Welcome to the HEAT Action Center

As the leading voice on health care in Wisconsin, WHA's Hospitals Education & Advocacy Team (HEAT) is the statewide network designed to facilitate YOUR grassroots involvement in health care public policy.  The HEAT program provides you with the information, strategy, and assistance you need in order to share your insight on how legislative issues impact hospitals and the communities they serve.  

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Support Candidates Who Support Wisconsin Hospitals

WHA administers both the Wisconsin Hospitals Conduit and the Wisconsin Hospitals State Political Action Committee (PAC) to help you support candidates who support hospitals and the patients they serve.

When you donate to the Conduit, it is like your own mini-political checking account.  You decide which candidates will receive funds once you have money in your account.  With the PAC, funds are pooled together from a number of individuals to support both Democrats and Republicans who understand Wisconsin hospitals. 

Donate to Conduit   Donate to PAC